Our culture often supports the idea that male strength comes from denying or ‘conquering’ our feelings rather than meeting them with openness. The more a man has internalized this myth, the harder time he may have identifying his emotions and expressing them appropriately.  My goal is to cultivate a more balanced vision of masculinity that emphasizes vulnerability, emotional fluency, and accessibility in relationships.

When it comes to having satisfying relationships in adulthood, both with partners and themselves, many men feel they're called to do something they don't know how to do – to know themselves deeply – and this can cause frustration, shame, and hopelessness. Therapy is a place where men can feel witnessed and supported in a non-judgmental environment while exploring the questions “Who am I?”, “Why do I feel this way?” and “How can I be more of the person I want to be?”


  • Experience more confidence, happiness, and fulfillment

  • Develop healthy coping strategies for stress

  • Relate to other men with authenticity

  • Improve communication in relationships

  • Identify and express emotional needs

  • Manage anger, anxiety and depression more effectively

  • Change patterns of addiction, avoidance and procrastination